Les parcs de new york. New York parks. Brooklyn Bridge Park It is a park of 85 acres in Brooklyn side of the East River. It offers magnificent views of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge, but also facilities for sports activities, outdoor picnic, walking trails, cycling, etc … www.brooklynbridgepark.org Bryant ...
Coachella Festival. Coachella Festival …! It is the annual meeting of all the biggest names in music! This is the Woodstock of the 2000s! In the middle of the desert, in California, the Coachella Festival now attracts 150 000 to 250 000 visitors during its annual stretching ...
Before Instagram Before Instagram existes a small glance at the evolution of color photography, from George Eastman to Sergei Prokoudine-Gorski, through the Lumière brothers. To produce color photographs, chemicals sensitive to light or electronic sensors record the color information at the time of exposure. The technique used seeks ...
Bread Bread is a staple food mainly from wheat cereal, but also to a lesser extent rye and other grains. The cereal varieties used by farmers will directly influence the type produced by flour millers and thus also influence the type of bread that results. But ...
Caviar. The sturgeon fish’s roe is the only fish egg classified as caviar according to the FDA. This fish has been around for over 250 million years. Sturgeon can reproduce multiple times throughout their lives and live to be over 100 years old. Although it is ...
Foie Gras. Foie gras is a popular and a well-known delicacy in French cuisine. By French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fatted by force-feeding corn, usually boiled with fat to facilitate ingestion; although in Spain and other countries outside ...
Vaccines Vaccines, for whom and why? To vaccinate or not? This is a subject of controversy among parents, doctors and even between countries that differ on which vaccines are important, hardly or not at all. Obviously if you live in the USA, it is best to follow ...
Camembert. Le Camembert. Marie Harel created the original Camembert cheese from raw milk in Normandy, France in 1791. Today, however, a very small percentage of producers make cheese from raw milk with the same process as Marie Harel would have used. Those who produce cheese using Marie ...
iPhone. iPhone. Your iPhone for Bettering Health and Stay Fit Your iPhone can help you keep your glucose, heart and calorie data and blood pressure in check. It might seem confusing and maybe complicated but actually a few apps have made it both possible and easy. Here ...
Oldest Cookbook in the World. OLDEST COOKBOOK IN THE WORLD. A Roman cookbook is the oldest testimony to food. Called the Apicius after Marcus Gavius Apicius, the famed epicure who flourished during the reign of Tiberius (early 1st century AD). The original name of the book was De Re Coquinaria ...
Exercise. Exercise. Being physically active is natural for humans. The sedentary existence of large numbers of people is a historical aberration of the past century. Our sedentary lifestyles, together with the obesity epidemic they help foster, have taken a big toll on our health. How can ...
Fondue Savoyarde. Fondue Savoyarde. Ingredients to include: 6 ounces Beaufort or other Gruyere cheese 6 ounces Tomme de savoie cheese 6 ounces Emmental cheese 1.5 cups dry white wine from Savoy 1/8 cup kirsch liqueur 1 small clove garlic, peeled and crushed White pepper 1 loaf white ...
Matching Pasta with Sauces. Matching Pasta with Sauces. Pasta comes in many shapes and forms and certain shapes complement certain preparation. The general rule of thumb is that “delicate noodles are for delicate sauces while heartier noodles are for heartier sauces,” but here are some guidelines for which common ...
Vegan Mayonnaise. Vegan Mayonnaise. It’s just a little jar of egg-free mayonnaise on shelves at Whole Foods , but getting it there is proving to be a giant undertaking for Hampton Creek Foods, a start-up set to take its environmentally-friendly, vegan spread across the country. It’s new ...
Baking Soda. Baking Soda. The Different use of Baking Soda: Baking Soda aka Sodium bicarbonate which the natural form is nahcolite is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs. Nicolas Leblanc, a French chemist discovered how to manufacture sodium carbonate (soda ...
Merlot. Merlot. It is one of the most popular red wine. Due to its soft textures and rich flavors it tastes very good with food. Merlot is the most widely planted red grape in France and it’s the second most planted wine grape around the world. ...
Garlic. Garlic. It’s use dates back thousands of years as both a traditional medicine and a seasoning. Cultivated for 3,000 years in China and many Asian cuisines, it’s also been in used in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The ancient Greek name for garlic was scorodon. ...